
NuMind, Cannax - Daleen

To: Chris Lues and the Eirene Health Shop personnel

I want to say thank you for the wonderful products that you sell in your shop. The new Cheyne products are really working so well.

About one year ago, I developed high blood pressure and  went to Chris for advice. He  gave me  the Cheyne’s Cannax and NuMind to help reduce the stress of my daily job and I started taking it with clear results.  I was more focused at work and could handle stressful situations much better.  This really made a huge difference at work and with exercise and weight loss  my blood pressure is almost normal. 

Thank you again Chris and Eirene for helping us to get better in a natural way.


(United Kingdom)

NuMind - Aletta K

Dear Cheyne’s team

I just want to share a short testimony with you. I am 50 years old, and for the past ten years or more, I have been struggling with sleeping problems. I would often fall asleep, and then wake up an hour later, battling to go back to sleep. This started affecting my mood, my work and I really struggled to concentrate. I tried many natural remedies, but none really touched sides with me. Then someone recommended I try NuMind. I was sceptical, because I tried so many things in the past. The first morning I took it, I felt more focused and more in control of my mind. That night I slept right through! I thought that it was simply coincidental, but ever since that day, my sleeping patterns have normalised and I am still sleeping extremely well. I find that I am less scatter brained in the day. A HUGE thank you!

Anetta K (Bellville)

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